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Fire Up Your Imagination With This Mosaic Fireplace Mantel Project

Updated: 06/26/2024
Mosaic Fireplace Mantel

If your current fireplace mantel is less than brilliant, you’ll want to spruce it up with some imaginative decorating techniques or get a new fireplace. Here is a fun and easy inspired idea that will make your fireplace mantel warm and inviting.

A mosaic mantelshelf is an artistic fireplace mantel that can be as colorful or monochromatic as you like. Follow these simple steps to design and create a mosaic mantelshelf that will attract glowing compliments from everyone who sees it.


  • Basic wooden shelf that is the same length as your fireplace surround
  • Mortar trowel
  • Mastic adhesive
  • Clear epoxy
  • Paintbrush
  • Grout
  • Vinyl or latex gloves
  • Drawing paper and pencils
  • Collection of broken glass or porcelain, or small ceramic tiles

Some people enjoy using a mixed collection of old, chipped teacups and saucers and breaking them into pieces of varying sizes. Others prefer the uniformity of commercially purchased mosaic tiles from craft stores. Either choice works equally well for this project.


  • Draw your mosaic art on paper to design it according to the size of your wooden shelf.
  • Don the gloves and separate your mosaic pieces into piles according to color and size.
  • Use the trowel to spread the mastic evenly across a small area on the surface of the wooden shelf. Don’t spread it too widely because you don’t want the mastic to dry faster than you can place the mosaic pieces.
  • Arrange the pieces according to the drawing plan you made. Press each tile firmly onto the mastic without pressing it all the way to the surface of the wood.
  • When you are finished, allow the project to dry overnight.
  • Next, use the trowel to apply grout over and around the mosaic pieces.
  • Use a damp cloth to wipe away the excess. Allow the project to dry overnight.
  • The next day, brush on a layer of clear epoxy over the entire surface of the project and let dry overnight.
  • Finally, install your new mantel shelf over your fireplace using appropriate hardware.

Once you have your fireplace project completed, kindle some romance by placing jar candles, fresh garlands, or other decorative items on the top of your mantel. Don’t worry about staining or marring your new mantel. The epoxy coating that you applied will ensure that your project stays beautiful and intact for generations to come.

A fireplace mantel doesn’t have to be boring or even commonplace. Follow the instructions here to create a unique and interesting mantelshelf that will spark smiles of approval from your guests.

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